The Infinite Master of Light are ready to take you on a Shamanic Journey into the Realms… You are transmitting more Light and you are becoming Brighter each day so it is time to Journey together as ONENESS as I offer this FREE Webinar to ignite More Light into you!!!
Where and What are these lowering energies that seem to be appearing unexpectedly and continually interrupting your thinking, and aching pains in your body… it’s time to go as we settle into ONENESS with the Infinite Master Energies in the Stillness and
“What is it that is holding me back from my Soul Purpose?”
“Where is the deepest block that is in me that I cannot see but feel?”
IAM ready to RECEIVE and JUST BE ME- my “Master Energy”
Pick a Question any one of these above or ASK your own for a quick answer and clearing Technique that be delivered to all who are Online.
IAM HERE Child to bring them into a Healing Alignment, to balance their Hearts/Minds/Bodies.
“IAM HERE to prepare them all for their Sacred Journeys are about to unfold into Oneness of all that they are in all Grid Systems of all Timelines into Reality of Light of all that just is of Mastery.”
JOIN the Infinite Masters with your Questions for Clearing/Healing Blocked Energies…
– NoraWalksInSpirit
DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical treatment and care. Please note that during the reading of channels you will be energetically guided and connected with the Channeled LIGHT BEINGS who may elevate and activate your own Divine Gifts within.
Refund Policy: No refunds, if your cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to this event.
All Rights Reserved: No part of these written Transcripts or Audio Activations and all Recordings may be Reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process; nor any be Transmitted or otherwise written or copied for public use without prior permission from NoraWalksInSpirit Inc.