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Become Luminous within and around your body, Hearts, Minds, Hands & Feet

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October 7&8 Event 2023

It is time to sustain the Shifting, Transforming to now Becoming Crystal Light Essences within our Cellular Structure is the ALCHEMY that is needed for our Ascension.

You will Feel the vitality, the rejuvenation and the Light Crystals shimmering inside the body, you will know your Infinite Light Connection to Telepathy and other virtues is unraveling, and you will be enlightened by the Infinite Energies of My Infinite Masters.

The discussions, teachings, and Activations will be awe inspiring and yes… life-changing!

NoraWalksInSpirit Audio

October 7&8 Events.  9 Audios + 3Bonus Audios

Things to note

Please note that during the Healing and Channeled Activations you will be energetically guided and connected with the Infinite Masters of Light, who may elevate and activate your own Divine Master Gifts within, and your own ALL Knowing, Trusting and Understanding that all is of Infinite Divine Orchestrations of LOVE LIGHT PEACE fully operated of your own Divine Will ☺

DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical Treatment and Care. The Individual Healing Experience assists in Awakening all to a wonderful Spiritual Journey of ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS. ☺xx

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