




Welcome to My Infinite Masters 

Join ME every month to Strengthen your Heart Mind Momentum to Align and Soar onto vibrational ladders leading to Infinite Bridges of Infinite Realities

These Infinite Masters are  Infinite All Teachers who communicate and  speak through Nora 

Join ME every month for Masters Speak

Masters Speak: 6:6 Gateway / June 2024

Masters Speak: 6:6 Gateway / June 2024

JOIN ME on this Empowering Activating 6:6 GATEWAY Date / Time: June 6th 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time Infinite Master Fee:  $22.00 + HST I welcome you to this 6:6 GATEWAY to experience the touch of Infinite Stillness pouring upon you as you float through your...

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Masters Speak: FREE 1 Hour Event – June, 2024

Masters Speak: FREE 1 Hour Event – June, 2024

FREE 1 hour EVENT for YOU – just because you are Sacred! Date / Time: June 2nd 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern Time Infinite Master Fee:  FREE Hello Everyone, Thank you for all your beautiful Energies that are so empowering and enlightening to all my Webinars and...

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Masters Speak: Building Bridges to Reality

Masters Speak: Building Bridges to Reality

2 Hours of Infinite Light Teachings with Activations and Q&A and Sharing! Join NoraWalksInSpirit and the Infinite Masters of Light These Infinite Masters will be transmitting Light Energies onto your Consciousness Fields to assist in elevating your hearts and...

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Masters Speak: Mother’s Day, 2024

Masters Speak: Mother’s Day, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day Message from the Infinite Masters on May 12th at 9:30am Eastern Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers in all Families ? and to Mother Earth’s Elements and Kingdoms transmitting Love Light into all Consciousness on this Planet. JOIN ME, as the Infinite...

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Masters Speak: Infinite 5:5 GATEWAY 

Masters Speak: Infinite 5:5 GATEWAY 

Join ME as Infinite Light Masters of a ONENESS Consciousness deliver Messages ?  I welcome you to this 55 GATEWAY to experience the touch of Light pouring upon you through Ancient Doorways of  this 5:5 Gateway Portal; as a Window of Light taps into your Inner Minds...

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Masters Speak: Solar Eclipse

Masters Speak: Solar Eclipse

JOIN NoraWalksInSpirit on April 8th at 7pm Eastern for Infinite ECLIPSE Master Message I welcome you all to join ME in a Sacred Journey and Infinite Soul Light Revelation of that Once Was to that What will Soon be… A magical time of long, long time ago has begun...

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January Gateway

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 Join ME and Infinite Masters in a HOOP Of ONENESS on January 8th.

Happy New Year 2024, an Infinite Year of ‘8’ and a Divine Year of the Golden Dragon Energies ?
With this Infinite ‘8’ Year I will be bringing in a Word of Knowledge with an Infinite Activation on the 8th day for one full hour to elevate, activate and collaborate all your Chakras into ONENESS.

This New Year of Transcending into the Light Consciousness is something we have all been long awaiting and as the Infinite Vibrations of a stronger Light pulses onto Gaia each month, we are becoming Transmitters and Receivers of the New Light Consciousness that is amplifying our hearts and minds into strong Telepathic Connections onto one another.
This is a Renewing, Rebirthing and Revitalizing Year that is soon upon us and as you take each month of STILLNESS to reconnect and re-orchestrate your New Year directions, there will be Peace and Harmony within your Soul Child as the Awakening of Alchemy Light amplifies you.

Have a igniting Peaceful New Year’s Eve and I look forward to our connection on January 8th ?


Blogtalk Radio Audio Event

Let the FIRES of Light Languages pour upon us all on this New Year Gateway


When will I receive my Video Watch Link?

Tickets are purchased via eventbrite. You will be sent an email confirmation of  your purchase. In that email you will receive a Watch/Registration Link. YOU MUST Register for the event using this link to automatically receive the video replay. 

When will I receive the audio after the Gateway?

If you have attended the Live Video Session, or clicked on the link within the pdf and registered for the event. You will receive the video replay within 30 minutes after the session has completed. Audio files are uploaded to your store account within 24 hours after the event. 

Who do I contact if i have issues?

If you have issues before, during or after the event please email customercare@norawalksinspirit.

Things to note

Please note that during the Healing and Channeled Activations you will be energetically guided and connected with the Infinite Masters of Light, who may elevate and activate your own Divine Master Gifts within, and your own ALL Knowing, Trusting and Understanding that all is of Infinite Divine Orchestrations of LOVE LIGHT PEACE fully operated of your own Divine Will ☺

DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical Treatment and Care. The Individual Healing Experience assists in Awakening all to a wonderful Spiritual Journey of ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS. ☺xx

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