FREE 1 hour EVENT for YOU – just because you are Sacred!

Date / Time: June 2nd 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern Time

Infinite Master Fee:  FREE

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for all your beautiful Energies that are so empowering and enlightening to all my Webinars and Remote Sessions. The Infinite Masters and myself send you our humbling Gratitude and Divine Light ? as we transmit this FREE Webinar of appreciation xxx

These empowering energies of June pouring upon us of Ancient Gold Dust Frequencies of Light Knowledge is truly our Infinite Soul Light Powers of Connections to the Realms.

These Ancient Golden Energies of Light transmitting higher vibrations of Awakening all Consciousness on this Planet is pouring upon your Quantum Matrix Fields and Etheric Grid Systems that are tapping into these Powerful Gold Dust Particles of Infinite Source Wisdom that has been Hidden within you Soul Bodies, hearts and minds for eons.

All of Gaia’s Kingdoms, Elements of Stone Structures and Temples are shaking and quaking deep within her core. All is ready to begin connecting, communicating, and transmitting New Networks of Intelligent Frequencies into our Awakening Telepathic Hearts and Minds.

You are awakening to your own Soul’s Light Consciousness, and it is time to begin soaring into these Infinite Light Vibrations of the Plasma Light Frequencies and tap onto these Spectrums of Sacred Geometries flowing invisibly upon us…

IAM HERE Child to bring them into Integrations of their AWARENESS of all that is building upon them in Hidden Vessels of Light that they cannot SEE but FEEL.

IAM HERE to prepare them all for this Sacred ONENESS of Solstice, and I bring together their hearts and minds in a Soul Light Activation of these Golden Plasma Light Frequencies.

JOIN the Infinite Masters as we walk together through Ancient Doorways of Time…

Nora WalksInSpirit

DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical treatment and care. Please note that during the reading of channels you will be energetically guided and connected with the Channeled LIGHT BEINGS who may elevate and activate your own Divine Gifts within.

Refund Policy: No refunds, if your cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to this event.

All Rights Reserved: No part of these written Transcripts or Audio Activations and all Recordings may be Reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process; nor any be Transmitted or otherwise written or copied for public use without prior permission from NoraWalksInSpirit Inc.