Join ME as Infinite Light Masters of a ONENESS Consciousness deliver Messages ?

I, welcome you to become inspired and elevated into a Higher vibration of Light as you breathe in these Infinite Master Energies of Light Intelligences as they transmit Light Love in Peaceful vibrations of Sacred Light Languages. This hour will be awe inspiring and accelerating within your hearts and minds as we soar into higher levels of Consciousness to reveal what it is we are to Integrate and Transform within our Hearts/Minds/Bodies for this entire month…

This Month we will LISTEN and INTEGRATE the next Shift of Consciousness that these Infinite Masters wish to reveal to us in since the awe inspiring Solar Eclipse and Integrating Energies that continue to flow through us each day.

It is time to understand the Consciousness of the Brain and the Inner Mind so we can evolve and understand these many shifts and changes balancing and elevating within our Bodies.

What are the Brain Waves of Consciousness that we need to adapt into to create a Oneness Pattern inside our Hearts and Minds?

I look forward to transmitting a Infinite WORD of Knowledge and Activation to advance the Delta, Theta, Gamma States of our Brain waves of Inner Consciousness to further deepen our Hearts and Minds into ONENESS of this new Reality Consciousness soaring upon us in Love.

Date / Time: April  19th 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern Time

Infinite Master Fee:  $22.00 +HST

DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical treatment and care. Please note that during the reading of channels you will be energetically guided and connected with the Channeled LIGHT BEINGS who may elevate and activate your own Divine Gifts within.

Refund Policy: No refunds, if your cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to this event.

All Rights Reserved: No part of these written Transcripts or Audio Activations and all Recordings may be Reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process; nor any be Transmitted or otherwise written or copied for public use without prior permission from NoraWalksInSpirit Inc.