
Happy New Year 2024, Happy New Year

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Happy New Year 2024, an Infinite Year of ‘8’ and a Divine Year of the Golden Dragon Energies.

With this Infinite ‘8’ Year I will be bringing in a Word of Knowledge with an Infinite Activation on the 8th day for one full hour to elevate, activate and collaborate all your Chakras into ONENESS.
This New Year of Transcending into the Light Consciousness is something we have all been long awaiting and as the Infinite Vibrations of a stronger Light pulses onto Gaia each month, we are becoming Transmitters and Receivers of the New Light Consciousness that is amplifying our hearts and minds into strong Telepathic Connections onto one another.
This is a Renewing, Rebirthing and Revitalizing Year that is soon upon us and as you take each month of STILLNESS to reconnect and reorchestrate your New Year directions there will be Peace and Harmony within your Soul Child as the Awakening of Alchemy Light amplifies you.
Have a igniting Peaceful New Year’s Eve and I look forward to our connection on January 8th.

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IAM Nora

Nora WalksInSpirit channels Beings of higher intelligence. An array of light surrounds her body and her chakra systems, along with the Ascended Masters. Beings are present and communicating through her. These Beings, collectively known as the Infinite All, communicate and work through Nora WalksInSpirit. They are helping to facilitate the planet’s transition from third to fifth dimension. As a result of all the work that has been taking place, portals of energy around the planet have begun to open up, which are enabling Ascended Masters from various Dimensions to infuse their Intelligence and Essences of energy onto our planet. This transformative energy we are receiving means that a golden age with blessings is underway and unprecedented spiritual growth is available to all.