SOUL SUNDAYS featuring REMOTE Sessions building an empowering ONENESS

Welcome to Soul Sundays Accelerating Remote Sessions elevating your Consciousness as we gather into ONENESS vibration within all hearts, Minds, Souls.

IAM going to be sending each person a sparkling Network of Light around them that will be creating a Column of Light of Protection around their own body as they receive the highest purest Frequencies of ONENESS of Light into their entire Inner/Outer Fields.

The Goal of this Remote Healing is to elevate your fields into Electromagnetics of Plasma Fields that is quietly settling in Sacred Geometric Forms of Crystals of Light within your Aura Fields becoming Quantum Matrix Fields.

As we continue to settle into the Stillness for 20 minutes each Gathering, we build a Sacred Telepathic Connection within all Hearts & Minds expanding our Awareness. LISTENING to Infinite Light frequencies flowing around you in the Stillness during the 20 minutes of the Remote Session to allow you to disconnect your 3D thoughts as you Balance and Harmonize your Heart and Mind into a ONENESS Consciousness.

This integration of Harmonizing into your Synchronized Heart and Mind throughout this 20 Minutes will build a Oneness connection for you to RECALL your Divine Powers. We are building Inner-Knowing and Trusting into all Heart and Minds as we Feel, Sense and Become an Infinite warm Golden Light that bathes and untangles/unleashes heavy energies into peacefulness within all hearts and minds.

As each Remote Session continues I will increase the Plasma Frequencies into your Hearts and Minds to become more Divine Light Consciousness within your brain waves and heart rates in a Synchronized Harmonized Journey for 20 minutes.

Are you ready to settle into the STILLNESS and take the Journey of ONENESS with me.

JOIN NoraWalksInSpirit on this upcoming SOUL SUNDAY Remote Session April 7th

Date / Time: April  7th 2024, 11:00 AM – 11:20 AM Eastern Time

Infinite Master Fee: Free (for the first time)

DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical treatment and care. Please note that during the reading of channels you will be energetically guided and connected with the Channeled LIGHT BEINGS who may elevate and activate your own Divine Gifts within.

Refund Policy: No refunds, if your cancellation is less than 24 hours prior to this event.

All Rights Reserved: No part of these written Transcripts or Audio Activations and all Recordings may be Reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process; nor any be Transmitted or otherwise written or copied for public use without prior permission from NoraWalksInSpirit Inc.