Stepping Into Mastery Teachings

Stepping Into Mastery Teachings

Time for your Soul to begin Reclaiming, Renewing, Realigning.

The Stepping into Mastery Classes are so elevating and invigorating of your Inner Child coming together Within to truly Know Thyself.

The Infinite Masters will be delivering 

  • Understanding that your own Consciousness is an ENERGY of Intelligences and it is a FORMLESS ENERGY that moves through your Physical Mental bodies.
  • Learn more about the Formless Energy pouring Light into your Consciousness
  • Feel that what you cannot See, but Hear as your become One Blended Source of your Connection in a Deep Breathing, Alignment Activation
  • Energetically, Aligning and Connecting to your Higher Soul Light Energy for empowering your daily thought forms will be delivered by the Masters.
  • There will be 2 Activations on this Closing Class to prepare you for further Teachings and Advancing into the ‘9 Codes of Consciousness”

There will be 40 minutes Teaching and 20 Minute Activation

I look forward to our next greeting from the Masters of Light.

June 7, 1-3 PM EST

Live Online Audio Event

Please Note: Audio Replay will be delivered within 7 business days.


Stepping into Mastery Courses

Stepping Into Mastery 2020 May Session 2

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Product Details

Hello Everyone, the Stepping into Mastery Classes are so elevating and invigorating of your Inner Child coming together Within to truly Know Thyself
I will be delivering this upcoming class on May 17th ONLINE, as the Healing Centre is currently closed.
The Infinite Masters will be delivering
  • A Inner Child Soul Connection to your Soul LIGHT Essence, for you to come to a greater Feeling/Knowing of tapping into to your own Soul’s Vibration.
  • You will be working on this Activation to enhance your own Healing and Listening Techniques within your Body, Mind and Soul Consciousness
  • Knowing/Feeling and Adapting to your Soul’s Light Connection will allow you to tap into your CODES of Light Consciousness that will be delivered in an Activation
There will be 40 minutes Teaching and 20 Minute Activation

Plus Class Notes

Written transcripts, text, images and/or audio recordings may not be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise copied for public use without prior permission from noraWalksInSpirit Inc. DISCLAIMER: The Healings and Techniques performed are not intended to be used as an alternative or substitute for Professional Medical treatment and care. Please note that during the reading of channels you will be energetically guided and connected with the Channeled LIGHT BEINGS who may elevate and activate your own Divine Gifts within. An All Knowing and Understanding that all is in Divine Orchestration of LOVE, LIGHT & PEACE may become fully operational as well.

4 Audios and Class Notes

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Stepping Into Mastery – May 2020 Session 2

Stepping Into Mastery – May 2020 Session 1

Stepping Into Mastery – April 2020 Session 2

Stepping Into Mastery – June 2020

IAM Nora

Nora WalksInSpirit channels Beings of higher intelligence. An array of light surrounds her body and her chakra systems, along with the Ascended Masters. Beings are present and communicating through her. These Beings, collectively known as the Infinite All, communicate and work through Nora WalksInSpirit. They are helping to facilitate the planet’s transition from third to fifth dimension. As a result of all the work that has been taking place, portals of energy around the planet have begun to open up, which are enabling Ascended Masters from various Dimensions to infuse their Intelligence and Essences of energy onto our planet. This transformative energy we are receiving means that a golden age with blessings is underway and unprecedented spiritual growth is available to all.