
7-7 GATEWAY a Platform of Transformation

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On this Evolutionary 7:7 GATEWAY we are arriving onto an Evolutionary Platform of Transitioning and Transforming into a True Inner Knowing of Who We Are and Why we are here at this moment in Time!!!

This 7:7 GATEWAY of Transitioning into Love Light and Harmony is all about breathing IN a Oneness Consciousness of Ascension to begin our own Divine Transformation.

There are Divine Light Beings arriving endeavoring to assist all of you in your Ascension.
These Light wispy Light Essences are moving in very, very delicate subliminal fields that we are now beginning to see and capture within our Awakened Minds and Open Hearts. They are already Spiraling around us as Divas in the Plants and upon the Water in within our Aura Fields.

You have begun your own quiet Journeys of elevating and spiraling into Known and Unknown Frequencies of your humanness form into New Reality Frequencies with LOVE.

The Infinite Masters of Infinite Light Intelligences welcome you to join into the Hoop of ONENESS for this Crystallizing Magnetizing 7-7 GATEWAY stepping Up onto a Platform into Formats, Formulas and Patterns of Equations of your Soul Light Consciousness.
We are entering into a Vibration of Love and Ascension

Recorded July 7, 2022

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IAM Nora

Nora WalksInSpirit channels Beings of higher intelligence. An array of light surrounds her body and her chakra systems, along with the Ascended Masters. Beings are present and communicating through her. These Beings, collectively known as the Infinite All, communicate and work through Nora WalksInSpirit. They are helping to facilitate the planet’s transition from third to fifth dimension. As a result of all the work that has been taking place, portals of energy around the planet have begun to open up, which are enabling Ascended Masters from various Dimensions to infuse their Intelligence and Essences of energy onto our planet. This transformative energy we are receiving means that a golden age with blessings is underway and unprecedented spiritual growth is available to all.