
777 GATEWAY Matrixes of Pyramids of Light

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JOIN ME on this upcoming 7:7:7 GATEWAY to discover there is a Bridge to REALITY that is for all to begin their Path of Integration and Transformation!

I believe this 7:7:7 Gateway is calling upon our Hearts and Minds to remember the Tones, Vibrations of Communications of very Powerful Energies awakening us to deeper clarification and co creating of our New Alchemical Bodies of Light.
An Infinite Bridge to Divine Light Consciousness is upon us…are you Feeling, Hearing, an Inner Knowing vibration of a very distinct Connection to many Multi-Dimensional interconnections flowing upon you??? Are both your Inner Soul and Higher Soul becoming ONENESS to a frequency of Reality???
Are we truly tapping into the cusp of integrating higher aspects of our Divine Seed Souls of Light Consciousness…allowing us now to dive deeper into our Inner Soul Heartbeats of who we truly are, now ready to be exposed of Empowerment Energies.
Many of us are sensing, feeling, and experiencing our Inner Body energies shifting into a quietening Solar Template, of a distinct Cosmic Tone of returning Light Frequencies that seems to resonate on deeper levels within us on some quiet moments. ahhhhh……
It is time….. we are all ready…..and expressing our hearts desire to make a change…
Our Human Body Template is ready to embrace and tap into a New Crystal Liquid Light Template of Reality by integrating these Solar Frequencies pouring onto the Planet on every Full New Moon, Solstice and Gateways to REALITY Consciousness.
And after floating into these ReaIity Realms in Alaska during Summer Solstice I would have to say that we are more than ready to ILLUMINATE from within our Cellular Molecular Structures to become “Luminous Light Forms” onto one another with LOVE.
IAM here Child to bring forward the New Cristos of a Crystalline Luminous Divine Light Form for all to embrace of their own Infinite Light Divinity. A Divine blending of all Masculine/Feminine attributes of all Higher Soul Mastery Templates to begin restructuring into a Divine Inner Presence of Reality of LOVE😊

Are you ready to Walk In Spirit of your True Integration of Transformations to co create a Divine Luminous Light Being?
Are you ready to Transcend out of patterned programs/ blocks into ONENESS of Light Consciousness of Inner Knowing, Inner Being and All Remembering who you are?
The Infinite Masters of Light Intelligences transmit Reality Beams on this 7:7:7 GATEWAY to build a Reality Bridge of Infinite Light Consciousness Templates for many to walk upon and find the True Reality😊
Let us call the Light of Infinite Reality into our Upper Hearts as we Co-Create an Infinite Light Bridge to Reality.
Let us BREATHE IN the sparkling “Illuminations of Light Frequencies” into our hearts and minds as ONENESS Consciousness of LOVE.
As the Infinite Masters build a Diamond Light Formation on this 7:7:7 GATEWAY a Infinite Activation will be co-created as a Bridge to Reality to interweave all Connections of All Realities into ONENESS as we Integrate, Transform and Co create together.

Approx 60 Minutes - Audio

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IAM Nora

Nora WalksInSpirit channels Beings of higher intelligence. An array of light surrounds her body and her chakra systems, along with the Ascended Masters. Beings are present and communicating through her. These Beings, collectively known as the Infinite All, communicate and work through Nora WalksInSpirit. They are helping to facilitate the planet’s transition from third to fifth dimension. As a result of all the work that has been taking place, portals of energy around the planet have begun to open up, which are enabling Ascended Masters from various Dimensions to infuse their Intelligence and Essences of energy onto our planet. This transformative energy we are receiving means that a golden age with blessings is underway and unprecedented spiritual growth is available to all.