
Activation to the City of LIGHT w noraWalksinspirit

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Hello Everyone who has been actively soaring and invoking so many of these Infinite Masters Energies of Light Intelligences each week for the past few months with ME ....
The Portal of a Large Sphere of Light has been opened since the 2:2 Gateway and we are now Stepping into Mastery like never before on this Planetary 5D Consciousness of LIGHT.
I have received a Message from these Infinite Beings to deliver a WORD and an Activation to all of you who follow me so vibrantly and are shifting into your Soul Light Mastery
The Masters will be invoking a highly evolved sense of Teachings that will begin in May for a Gathering into the Hoop of ONENESS each week for 2 days to keep you elevating in your ME
The Teachings will be of Quantum Consciousness Frequencies joined by all of your Masters 2x a week for the month of May. The Monthly Teachings will allow each One to actively continue
“Becoming Quantum Consciousness in a Supra Conscious Heart and Mind of a Soul Light Being”
I honor all that you are of your Soul’s Light dedication to all of My Infinite Masters Teachings
Blessings of Holiest of Holiest Light pour upon your Radiant Garments of Light of your own ME...

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IAM Nora

Nora WalksInSpirit channels Beings of higher intelligence. An array of light surrounds her body and her chakra systems, along with the Ascended Masters. Beings are present and communicating through her. These Beings, collectively known as the Infinite All, communicate and work through Nora WalksInSpirit. They are helping to facilitate the planet’s transition from third to fifth dimension. As a result of all the work that has been taking place, portals of energy around the planet have begun to open up, which are enabling Ascended Masters from various Dimensions to infuse their Intelligence and Essences of energy onto our planet. This transformative energy we are receiving means that a golden age with blessings is underway and unprecedented spiritual growth is available to all.